Tuesday 25 March 2008

Mia Famiglia in Italia

The week after spring break my family came to visit!!! It was Daddio andMichael's first time in Italy but Mom's second. It was really great to be able to show them around my new little home here in Perugia. And of course, take Michael out!
We all had such a good time, eat great food, and drank wayyy to much wine (especially daddy and me!)

Unfortunately though, the week they were here was just about the worst weather we've seen. There was an actual blizzard! it was the first time it had snowed like that in 2 years! go figure.
They got to see Assisi, Florence, Rome, and Guibbio- and of course Perugia!
It was sad to see them leave, but only one more month til I'm home again!

For one of their days here, I set up a wine tasting at Chantina Chiorri Vineyards. It's the same winery we went to with school. My parents, well no, my mom, fell in love with the guy who runs the whole thing- Francesco, and apparently they are working together to get his wine in New York!! I hope it works out- and i hope the connection comes with a few perks! ie. free vinoo!

Anyway, Mom and Dad- thanks for everything! I wish you could have stayed the whole time! I hope you're booking Roma for next spring already!

These are just some of the pictures MIchael took here- Oh by the way, he totally admitted that I'm the cooler Wright.


Ha, sorry guys, couldnt help it!

Roma! that's just the Colosseum in the background. No big deal.

Mustache Thursday. Michael couldn't stop talking about how he can't wait to bring the stache to Greens. Typical

Mio fratello e me


The Vatican!

spring breakk

Okay, sorry about the lack of posts in the last month buttt i think this will jump-start your kristen fix for a while.
Spring break was about a month ago now buttt the memories are still fresh in my mind!
I was back in Ireland for the week and got to visiting a little girl named Emily Sciandra!!!! She goes to school in Maynooth and is having the best time ever. We toured around her little town (which was new to her apparently!) annd I met all of her friends- all of whom are amazing!
There is one main road in Maynooth in which there are 4 bars, a bagel factory!! and a Tesco- Lily Allen lives there.
We went out, annd we proceeded to get kicked out because I was dancing on the table- who know that wasn't allowed? Standard procedure in the States, no?
I got to eat a real live bagel in Maynooth, something a New York like myself misses way too much. The bagel sucked but it got the job done- I was pretty pumped.

I also got to see Ryan again and met much of the O'Flaherty clan. His sister, Ciara, is my new best friend needless to say! I think they are all coming to the WHB this summer so hopefully everyone will be introduced.
Ryan had his last rugby game of the season that I got to watch- I'm practically fluent in rugby these days. Actually, that's such a lie, I don't think I'll ever understand the game, sorry.
It was actually pretty funny, I was watching the game with 2 other girls- one of which is a longtime girlfriend to a kid on the team and has been to almost all of his matches, and then other used to play on a girls rugby team. I simply followed suit when they started clapping and did a lot of smiling and nodding.
All in all, the trip was brilliant. 'Great craic' as they say in Ireland- meaning good fun!

Ps. stereotypes of Ireland proved to be right- beer and potatoes are consumed all day everyday.

Here's emily and I on our walk of shame home. The bouncer made us leave without our coats! so we had to walk home in the freezing cold without them.

Elizabeth, Emily, and myself. Elizabeth in an American girl who is studying with EMily in Maynooth. She's one of Emily's best friends there and she's awesome!


More of EMily's friends! Kylea is the second from the left and another one of Emily's closest friends there-she is also fantastic!

Okay, while in Ireland, Maggie and Suzanne got to meet up with us! One of the days we were together we traveled to one of the richest areas in Ireland, so I was told, called Kilinney Hill. Guess who has a house here?? BONO! We tried to find it but lost interest. Apparently outside of his house is all of this grafitti of fans dedicating their utmost love.
Kilinney is right on the ocean and on top of a hill- so basically it was one of the most beautiful places ever. We went on a warm sunny day which makes everything better.
At the top of Kilinney Hill you can look over the whole town that consists of one pub, and hundreds and million-euro houses. It has a great quaint beach town feeling to it.
It was suuch a great day!

Here's one of those expensive houses. That railing is to a balcony off the roof. Some view to wake up to every morning no?

Maggie Bang walking through the trail of Kilinney Hill!

Just some cute old Irishman

An actual rainbow in Ireland!! I saw a real live leprecon with a pot of gold at the bottom of it too!


Top of the hill