Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Maggie's Pics from Pisa and Venice

Piazza Miracoli
I think this may be my happiest moment in life.
Loved these guys

Welcome to Venice boiiiii
Oh, in St. Marks Square, there are 1,000,000 pigeons and silly little tourists pay a euro for seeds to allow these pigeons to fly ALLLLLLLL over you and basically eat you. Its hillarious, and gross. I m not a pigeon fan

DADDY! these guys are exactly like your best friends in Times Square. SO hilarious, you would have loved them.

Ciao bella, you want a ride?


Sunday, 24 February 2008


This weekend Maggie and her from from Texas, Ibraheem, and myself rented a car and scooted around Italy. Driving a car for the first time in a while was great, plus the scenery throughout Italy was unbeatable. Every mile was beautiful. We started from the Statzione in Perugia and made our way to Pisa. On the way we stopped at Lake Tresimeno which is a large lake in Umbria. Since it was still early, there was tons of haze over the lake which just seemed to make it more beautiful.
Pisa turned out to be my favorite city in Italy so far. The tower is stunning and the weather that day was a 10. T-shirts. The tower literally took my breathe away. Piazza Miracoli is one of the most beautiful in the world and I definitely agree. Its filled with tourists but you can also find locals relaxing under the Tuscan sun. The sky was sooo blue, the grass soo green, and the building pristine white. It really was beautiful.
We went out for lunch in Pisa where I had a typical Toscana dish of Bread Soup. Basically it's stale bread in broth with veggies and its yummy.
We went out in Pisa that night and in typical Italian fashion- it consisted of ordering drinks inside a little bar and bringing them outside, chilling in piazza. Its amazing.
Then we bundled up and slept for a few hours in the car! it was fun, and off to Venice in the AM.
The drive from Perugia to Pisa was about 3 hours and from Pisa to Venice about 4. We all took turns driving and it was really enjoyable.
We made it to Venice around 2 I think, parked the car and walked around all day. Venice is unbelievable. To think that people actually live here in city surrounded by water is unreal. I expected St. Marks Square to be something more than it was but all in all beautiful. Its a place for Tourism at its worst- everything is extremely expensive and everyone is American or Asian. English is spoken above all.
We ended up eating dinner along a canal at the MOST amazing ristorante I've been to yet. We ended up having to wait 20 or so minutes for a table which made the owner and waitress feel SO bad! They gave us a free Bellini to compensate the wait which we had no problem doing. The waitress asked if it was our first time there, and much to her surprise we answered yes. She said it seemed like we had been there before which was just about the best compliment I've ever received. She was so cute and the meal was seafood heaven. We each ordered the Menu Della Casa which consisted of pasta, a fish, vegetables, and then desert. My pasta was penne with meat sauce, the fish was squid which I don't usually like but its completely different in Venice and not as chewy, very good. The veggies were grilled eggplant and zucchini and for desert was a really sweet fruit salad. I would go back to Venice to for the restaurant and nothing else.
Another couple hours asleep in the car then back home to Perugia.
The fog in Venice on the way home was ridiculous, you literally could not see your hand if you held it out in front of you- which made driving interesting. We got a bit lost but its very easy to get back on track. There are signs to get anywhere from everywhere.
The drive was beautiful and we were happy to get back home afterwards.
The trip exhausted me and I was/am a little sick today. Hopefully it'll pass before the weekend. Sleep and vitamin C and ill be fine in no time.

Off we go!

Lake Tresimeno- absolutely gorgeous.

Toyota!!/Home for the weekend!

Hazy Lake

The only dog's in Italy I've seen on a leash. Pretty embarrassing.

Our walk to the Tower in Pisa.

View from a bridge in Pisa

Apparently Pisians (i just made up that word) love rowing, everyone was out that day in the water.

Italian trees! i love these trees. They also have Palm trees in this country which surprised me.

Italian Forsithia! Mommy i miss you!


Piazza Miracoli!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO perfect. It was about 20 degrees Celsius (how European am I?) and not a cloud in the sky.
I can't actually believe I saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

How's it hanging?

People hanging out in the sun, on the grass. Perfection

Asians- everyone in the park does this pose. It's hilarious to see, but you have to.


Torre Pendente di Pisa

I really fell in love with this tower.

Sunset in Pisa. No big deal.

An actual store in Pisa

Off to Venice!


You can find stands like this every 6 inches.

Hazy and cold but still breathtaking

Venice is basically a maze. little alley ways and small twisty streets only


San Marco Piazza

And then my camera died. But Maggie has some more pics on her camera- ill get them don't you worry.
Ciao Belle!

Monday, 18 February 2008


The two big nights for discotecas are Thursday and Saturday and this Saturday we all went to Gradisca. A bus takes you there around 1 and beings you home around 5. Its basically a warehouse filled with techno and strobe lights- 100% european bliss.

About to get on l'autobus
I'm pretty sure...
that I don't even...
need comments.
"Nathan! Let's take a picture for Samantha!!!"
we miss you!

Theatre Lyrick

Last Saturday, February 9th i think it was, Momix Dance Company put on a show at this beautiful venue in Assisi. There were little posters for it posted all over town so Maggie decided that we should go. It was seriously the most amazing dance show I've ever seen.

Okay do you remember for the Oscars a few years ago when Happy Feet just came out and they had those dancers come on behind the curtain and moved there bodies to form shapes- like penguins, a car, the Oscar? Well this is that dance company so im sure you can imagine how great and beautiful this show was. Youtube it.

Mag and Me
We got to the box office a few hours before the show started- after being told it was sold out- and ended up getting 4th row seats!
Italian people at Theatre Lyrick
So this is Assisi. It's about a 20 minute train ride from Perugia. It felt like we were going into Manhattan to see a Broadway show on the way there- I think this was the first time I almost missed NYC
Oh, but then we saw this and NYC was no longer missed.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Valentines day<3

For Valentines day in Perugia all us ladies went to Il Barraio for dinner- which is this local brewery in Perugia that makes yummy beer.

Suze, Casey, and Myself at dinner
Me Suze Mag- wearing that dress makes me sad and think of NYE.
The decorations in Il Barraio are SO cool- a little Mobile hangs from the ceiling and a spot light makes shadows on the wall and they all dance. I want to make one for my bedroom
Cool red door!
OH they also make Sangria here that's soo good